case Study
T&T Power Group. ISO certified in 11 days
Our unique method can get you ready for ISO certification in as quick as 30 days with no compromises.

Our unique method can get you ready for ISO certification in as quick as 30 days with no compromises.
T&T Power Group
Liam Rushmere, Servicing Coordinator
Wellesley, Ontario, Canada
11 days!
Tell me what you thought of the whole experience?
Going into it I thought it was going to be a lot more difficult, but you guys made it super streamlined, super simple. We got through it in a timeline that we needed to which was amazing. You know hopefully we’re walking away with certification that we came into it wanting.
If you had longer to prepare, do you think you would have had a much better outcome?
No, honestly, I think the job that was done was on par with our standards and we’re more than happy with everything that happened here.
Can you comment on how much time it took you and the others to prepare in hours or days?
Maybe 20 hours if that. Because it was only really our calls and then I sat with the auditor for 5 hours. Maybe more like 30 because we had those 2 long phone meetings, and everything else on top of that.
How about the virtual side of things, would you have preferred that the consultant was on-site?
I feel like we covered everything that needed to be covered if you were here, you know maybe it could have been a little more thorough, but I feel like we met all the points that needed to be met and we’re basically walking away with the certification and we had no major hiccups, or problems or nonconformances. So, I feel that doing it virtually worked out phenomenally well.
What do you think of the consultant?
I think the consultant was very well trained and versed in the ISO standards. They know what they were doing. And they got it done exactly the way that it needed to be done.
Is there anything that you would have done differently?
If I were to do anything differently, it would be maybe have a little more time, you know not have to jump right into it and be so stressed about not getting it. But that’s really the only thing I would change.
What has the certification meant to you?
It is bringing us potential future contracts, one for sure, and potentially more on top of that.